Epoxy paint is a high quality paint, consisting of 2 components, has excellent adhesion on floors such as concrete, wood … Therefore, there are still many people wondering whether epoxy floor floor paint for the workshop can be. are not? Because the factory, the factory frequency of the machine and people work back and forth a lot. And if possible, is the construction process complicated or should be noted?
1. Should we paint the epoxy floor base?
Epoxy floor paint is a famous paint that is known to users for its very good adhesion on surfaces such as concrete, metal or wood. This paint has glossy, smooth, durable, bright color, difficult to fade along with very high aesthetics. In addition, the paint is made from epoxy resin which is durable and sure, so it has good load capacity, protects the surface and prolongs the life of the works.
The epoxy paint is also dust-proof and extremely easy to clean, good waterproof, high-impact resistant. Therefore, epoxy paint can be suitable for many projects such as warehouses, basements, swimming pools, lakes …
And in particular, epoxy paint is evaluated very effective for painting the floor of the workshop. Factory floor is a place that often suffers many external forces when moving goods and machinery on the surface. Therefore, the workshop floor needs a material with high abrasion resistance and high load capacity. In addition, it must be scratch resistant, dustproof, and easy to clean. And equally important factor is that the price must be cheaper than ceramic tiles. All these factors converge in epoxy paint. This is the perfect coating material for modern industrial floors.
Another thing that makes epoxy floor coatings popular is their non-toxic properties, antimicrobial properties, and electrostatic control. With such advantages, this is exactly the “delicious, nutritious, cheap” paint for the factory floor.
2. The process of building epoxy floor coating?
Currently, epoxy floor paints commonly used are of two types: roller-system epoxy paint and self-leveling epoxy coating. There are two application methods of epoxy coating roller system: using roller or spray with air pressure. With self-leveling paint, use the self-leveling method.
To paint a beautiful floor, it is necessary to prepare the concrete floor of the factory. Requirements for epoxy coated concrete floors:
+ Concrete mark must be from 250 or more.
+ Workshop floor must have concrete expansion slots.
+ Must conduct reverse waterproofing before pouring concrete foundation.
+ Create a very flat concrete background.
The process of epoxy coating on the floor consists of 3 steps as follows:
Step 1: Surface treatment of the floor This is a very important stage, floor surface quality directly affects the paint quality in the future. The floor surface should be treated to be flat, creating a roughness for the painted surface to easily bond …
Step 2: Primer for the floor Pour the hardener container into the Base container according to the correct ratio, mix well and primer. Primer makes the paint beautiful and bright. Note that the mixing ratio must comply with the manufacturer’s instructions, otherwise the primer will not stick. After about half a day to re-check the primer, where it is not reasonable, it must be repainted.
Step 3: Coating and acceptance Wait for the primer to dry, then start painting. There is no specific time for this step, it depends on the weather and climate of each region. Evenly and reasonably thick. Wait for drying and take over.
If done according to the right technique and process, epoxy floor floor will be very durable, bright. In addition, it can help to save the cost of tiling significantly for the workshop. It is not natural that the epoxy paint line is used so much and popularly by investors, businesses, contractors, …
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