Why must epoxy paint antistatic?

The antistatic epoxy coating widely used in the antistatic process is epoxy coating. Antistatic epoxy coating is a two-component paint used as antistatic coating in areas where there is a potential for electrostatic discharge. Products are widely used in electronic equipment factories, factories with high technical requirements,

Why is Epoxy coating anti-static?

Static electricity can be understood as the imbalance of the positive and negative charges of the electric current. Through the phenomenon of friction. At the same time there is contact between the surface of the floor, concrete floor, .. there will be current transmission or electric discharge phenomenon. This affects the production activities of factories producing electronic equipment, factories producing high-tech materials, …

In order to ensure the safety of the production process, to protect workers and their property, factories now require strict anti-static processes.

When unsafety problems occur not only directly affecting human lives, but can cause fire, explosion, damage of the whole machinery line, … So, use antistatic epoxy paint for the foundation. Factory is an extremely and important factor in the production process of the business.

When to apply antistatic epoxy coating?

Electrostatic discharge can render sensitive electronic components useless, so organizations involved in the manufacture or assembly of semiconductors or electronics need antistatic floors.

Additionally, any activity that relies on use of specialized electronic items is uninterrupted or guaranteed. Such as hospitals or air traffic control rooms, should take precautions to avoid static electricity.

Other examples of industries that require antistatic floors include the manufacture of ammunition or fireworks, military operations, micro-mechanisms, and optical lenses. In addition, film, lasers, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, surgical implant production, medical environments and even some food and beverage production environments.

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Epoxy construction method antistatic

Step 1. Prepare the surface

  • The concrete floor surface is level, clean, free of dust, moisture, and other contaminants.
  • Use a vacuum cleaner to clean the entire concrete surface.

Step 2: Apply primer on the entire surface.

A must-have factor for the primer application process is that the primer must be mixed. The compounds are mixed slowly using a slow speed drill. Then the surface is painted with a primer.

Step 3: Apply self-leveling epoxy coating about 2mm.

Step 4: Put the copper tape

A strip of copper of the required width and thickness is set. The butter paper is first removed and the sticky side of the copper tape is kept in contact. Stick the self-adhesive copper strip to the primed surface at a distance of 1 to 4 meters together, vertically and in width

After a period of waiting, the self-leveling epoxy coating dries completely. We carry out the construction of epoxy floor paint antistatic

Step 5: Apply the first class anti-static epoxy

It is a natural black three-component self-balancing system. Base coat should be applied after priming dries (usually after 6 – 8 hours. Since priming).

Step 6: Apply epoxy paint to finish antistatic

After a new layer of coating time, using the floor area measuring device. Check whether the floor surface quality has eliminated the accumulated current or not

What is antistatic epoxy floor?

Anti-static industrial floors prevent the generation of static electricity or ESD, which is an impulse of static electricity that occurs when a person or a charged surface comes into contact with another object. The discharge can be seen as a small blue spark or spark, although most of the electrostatic charge is usually not as obvious.

Electrostatic discharge (conducting) can be very dangerous and even catastrophic. In such cases, installing antistatic floors is an essential step in creating a safe environment for workers.

How does antistatic flooring help?

Anti-static floors help by taking static electricity that naturally builds up in any environment and moving it across the floor to the ground. By grounding, the antistatic floor prevents the building material from being released to the environment. Where it can destroy goods or endanger humans.

Almost any movement in the environment will contribute to the generation of static electricity, even if it is a familiar step on the carpet in the office. The daily movement of vehicles or heavy equipment on the floor or the repetitive movement of automatic factory parts.

The majority of electrostatic discharges are below 3,500 volts and are completely undetectable to everyone. However, anti-static floors are capable of capturing all of those charges and grounding them before they cause a reaction.

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